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#58 von mail order viagra 28.12.2013 - 13:17
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, ‘I want to go there,’ pointing at another store quite a distance away,” Holmes notes. “In that store was the dress that she wanted. I said, ‘Wow, Suri. You’re something. You picked that out from a football field away.’”*facepalm* Katie seems delusional. The kid just tells her mother I want to go there. What about saying please? What about saying may we go there? Just, I want to go there? And Katie is impressed? I’d hate to hear how the child talks to other people if she speaks to her own mother this way. Yikes.The issue isn’t her interest in fashion. I think that’s so cute. Hey, she might be the next big designer someday. But the rudeness and entitlement and superficiality is atrocious. Does this child learn anything about the world beyond how to look cute and get cute things? Such a horrible reflection of the parents. The poor child obviously doesn’t know any better.

#57 von carinsurerslist.net 28.12.2013 - 10:27
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, ‘I want to go there,’ pointing at another store quite a distance away,” Holmes notes. “In that store was the dress that she wanted. I said, ‘Wow, Suri. You’re something. You picked that out from a football field away.’”*facepalm* Katie seems delusional. The kid just tells her mother I want to go there. What about saying please? What about saying may we go there? Just, I want to go there? And Katie is impressed? I’d hate to hear how the child talks to other people if she speaks to her own mother this way. Yikes.The issue isn’t her interest in fashion. I think that’s so cute. Hey, she might be the next big designer someday. But the rudeness and entitlement and superficiality is atrocious. Does this child learn anything about the world beyond how to look cute and get cute things? Such a horrible reflection of the parents. The poor child obviously doesn’t know any better.

#56 von www.hittaedpiller.com 28.12.2013 - 10:26
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Nice bag!!! I love eBay. I go through waves of addiction and have recently restricted myself to being only allowed to shop with money in my PayPal account funded by eBay sales. Sometimes I find myself scanning rooms for things to sell... My only bad experience is a recent one, and it qualifies in the realms of horrific. I found a gorgeous pair of Miu Miu boots but missed the end of the auction. Crushed. Next day I got a RELISTED email and was obsessively on the case. I won them for a ridiculous $65! Excellent condition, barely any wear. They had to make their way to me from Canada to Australia and after 9 weeks I started to panic. Emails with the seller who was SUPER helpful. No need for concern, next day. lovely package at my door. Perfect! It was like a Cinderella story. They were just as gorgeous as I imagined and they fitted like a glove. I wore them shopping for 2 hours. TWO HOURS! and the soles fell off!!!! Completely disintegrated! Perished! Dead! I've since emailed the seller again but had no reply. I suspect she didn't know and is just as horrified as I was - well, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt anyway... I'm hoping they can be repaired and have all my fingers crossed for their speedy recovery. They are already like 2 extra children to me... But this was my only disaster amongst 10 or so years of pleasurable purchases and on the whole the eBay community is great. I've met many lovely eBayers thru pickups and recommend anyone who's not given it a go to do so. You could be missing out on fab Gucci bags my friends!!!!

#55 von wwwonlinecollegesnet.com 28.12.2013 - 04:22
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Well when I was her age, I love(d) clothes, and always told my mom what to wear or what earings she’d put on, I love(d) all the girly things, I loved going through my mom’s makeup case (lol and she’d get so mad! Great childhood memories) and jewelley box. We were not “rich” nor “famous”. It doesn’t mean that I was a very shallow and mean girl who judged people on their apparence, or that I was a diva! I was not dumb either, but I still do love clothes. And that’s it, some love playing piano, some love chocolate, and some adore fashion from a very young age. I think there’s some harsh comments here, only because it’s Suri, that her “irresponsible” parents let her do what she wants, and that they’re “weirdos”. It is a cute story, the only thing I’d say is that Suri looks a little impolite. Sounds like a spoilt brat but the story is still cute.

#54 von http://wwwonlinecollegesnet.com/indiana-colleges/donaldson 28.12.2013 - 04:22
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Well when I was her age, I love(d) clothes, and always told my mom what to wear or what earings she’d put on, I love(d) all the girly things, I loved going through my mom’s makeup case (lol and she’d get so mad! Great childhood memories) and jewelley box. We were not “rich” nor “famous”. It doesn’t mean that I was a very shallow and mean girl who judged people on their apparence, or that I was a diva! I was not dumb either, but I still do love clothes. And that’s it, some love playing piano, some love chocolate, and some adore fashion from a very young age. I think there’s some harsh comments here, only because it’s Suri, that her “irresponsible” parents let her do what she wants, and that they’re “weirdos”. It is a cute story, the only thing I’d say is that Suri looks a little impolite. Sounds like a spoilt brat but the story is still cute.

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